Safeguarding and Social Media Reminder

The safety and welfare of our club members is our number one priority when we arrange activities and provide services. This includes how we manage our social media activities such as our Facebook pages.

I want to remind all club members of some key messages from the club’s code of conduct and expand on how we expect our members to continue these behaviours when using the internet. Our code of conduct requires all members to:

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every athlete/runner and coaches/run leaders.
  • Act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others.
  • Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical and sexual abuse.

In addition to the code of conduct principles our safeguarding policy also states “Photos published will show individuals in a state of decency, and not imply any condition that may be damaging to reputation.”

This means that we positively encourage club members to share positive news stories, post race photos and share run achievements. We like to celebrate success. Please consider any Facebook post, What’s App message, Messenger message or any other message before you share. Ask yourself: are you upholding the club values?

We will not tolerate inappropriate usage of social media that may be associated with the club and if any club member feels uncomfortable with any posts/messages we encourage them to let us know so that we can investigate further and take appropriate action.

My mission is to ensure all club members remain happy and healthy. I look forward to continuing to read about all of our running, tri and junior successes.

If any club member does have a safety or welfare concern please contact us, you can email the club email account, or contact one of our Safeguarding trained representatives directly.

Safeguarding Lead: Caroline Jones
Club Chair: Dave Durden
Safeguarding Officer: Annette Keevil
Safeguarding Officer: Nicky Grant
Safeguarding Officer: Chris Sweet

Thank you very much for reading this message.

Caroline Jones
DRC Safeguarding Lead