DRC Juniors Weekly Round Up

Mini Athletics had a great start, despite the wind and slightly colder weather we had a good turn out and as always the game of Sinking Ships resulted in a group of cheerful children, who unbeknownst to them were practicing their sprint start and agility skills.

‘Try Out Tri’ registration has opened and planning for this continues. DRC members have been given the first chance to sign up, this goes out to the general public for registration soon, so sign up quick; we have more than 20 registered already.

We are struggling to organise our celebratory event for the summer hols as so many places are booked up so we might need to do this in September. This does have the advantage that fewer of you will be on holiday. Our Junior athletes have done so well this year though so we’re keen to get something organised.

We have a couple of positions on the Junior committee we would like to fill; membership secretary and social officer. Membership secretary would help look after the membership admin – checking people have paid and completed the membership forms, completing the EA membership when required. The social officer will work with the main club social committee and DRFC social committee this is a new role and will hopefully help us to secure our bookings. So if you have time you can give to support the Junior section and you think you could do one of these roles, or any other role, please let me know.

Have a great week.