DRC Juniors Weekly Round Up

This week’s activities

Athletics on Wednesday and Thursday were good sessions with warm evening weather making them very enjoyable. It is rapidly getting very dark towards the end of those sessions though, so please note the last two Thursday athletics sessions have been moved to an earlier time of 6-7pm.

Saturday’s cross country training was also good fun, with an extended obstacle course to run around, all good for endurance and agility.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The club AGM was on Friday. It was a great opportunity for me to share some of our successes with the rest of the club, and I felt very proud to do so. I also spoke about all the hard work that goes into delivering the programmes and activities we put on, and importantly thanked all those that help. I highlighted that without this help we just cannot deliver the programmes and events that our Juniors love so much.

I talked about our plans for 2018-19: to continue delivering the excellent programmes and events that we delivered this year, train two new coaching assistants and our aspiration to buy a high jump mat to enable us to include high jump training at the club. In order to do these things we proposed to increase the annual fee to £20 this was accepted. (My slides here, formal AGM notes to follow)

We also desperately need more help with the organising and admin of the section. So please if you can spare any time at all, we need your help.

Planning Ahead

So I will apologise for the constant pinging today if you have your phone etc. set to alert with every junior section Facebook entry because I have been busy setting up our future programmes. For those not on Facebook the junior section Google calendar, viewable on our website pages, has also been updated.

You will see that I have set up events for the AAA Cross Country Series (more info here), and I have also set up the Indoor Athletics Programme (more info here).

Subs Due

So as mentioned above the annual subscription fee is now due. Please could all juniors (parents/carers) complete the registration/renewal form (available here), this contains details of how to pay. We agreed that our subscription year would run from 1st September – 31st August, but we acknowledge that there are always a lot of payment pressure on parents at this time of year, so if you are at all concerned please contact us and we can work out how to best help you. Our overriding aim is to provide accessible, enjoyable, safe sporting opportunities for our children.

All the best,
