The Order of the Woodwose
One of the top performances of the week was by Steve Watson, who after swapping the Great North Run for some speed golf a few week ago was on the start line for the iconic Greenman Ultra, past DRC runners Kate Browning, Rachel Topham and Dave Halford can all testify as to how tough the event is. Not only did Steve Watson complete the event he also provided a Race Report! t “The Green Man Ultra (approx 46 mile with 3,800 feet ascent) is a full loop of the Community Fores Path, starting and finishing at Ashton Park School, Bristol. All in all a really enjoyable day. The race had been cancelled twice due to snow, ice and general travel problems so the forecast of a chilly start with a promise of an 8-hour sunshine window was welcomed by all. Anyone who has ran marathons and ultra-marathons will know the familiar story – The first half of the run is quite sedate, fun and manageable (dare I say comfortable) then ever so suddenly things (in fact everything) start to hurt and ache and scream at you. Old injuries start to niggle and pull, new tweaks start to develop and the mind wanders on a weird and disturbing journey. Eventually the SEVERE pain and cramps just become normal pain and cramps so you just ignore them…….and you crack on Why t
he hell you we do it?!?! Well as stated above ‘ Anyone who has ran marathons and ultra marathons will know the familiar story’ It’s simple and complex all rolled into one. I completed the race in a very respectable 8hrs 59 and finished in the top 50. The medal is the biggest and heaviest that Ive ever seen and I got a certificate of completion (and a late September tan)”. Official results pushed Steve back to 09:00:26, but still in an impressive 36th position Awesome! A “walk in the park” to a man who can do an Ashpa
th Marathon 😉
Barnstaple Marathon
Kris Rymer celebrated his award as “Best Running Buddy” by taking himself down to Barnstaple, on his lonesome for a change. Completing his first ever Marathon Kris completed it in a great time of 03:44:57, 03:44:57, 66th overall and 21st MV40, he said “I think I have earnt the beer and chocolates”, to be fair I think he needs more than one beer! Super year of running continues for Kris.
Chiltern 50
Another member deciding to “go long” this weekend was Graham Wilkes who completed the Chiltern Ultra 50km event in 11:11:12, just one second off a number that woud have made Neil Truelove delirious! Well done Graham.
A Tale of Two “Halfs”
At the AGM we spoke about the number of Miles DRC members do each week, Sunday saw another 280 odd miles added by the Half Marathoners at Cheltenham and the Forest of Dean Autumn Trail. Weather conditions, after a warm Saturday were idea for running.
Cheltenham saw Francois Low in first for DRC. It was a day for PBs, François Low running one and just missing out on a sub 90 minute half, placing an impressive 137th out of 2931 runners, Audrey Harris joined him & her good season continues. Tara Truman was first woman home for DRC with a strong run, with Lise Hindshaw next home also running a PB despite a lack of training and a cold! Results: Francois Low, 01:30:10, 137th, (31st M350; Tara Truman, 01:47:43, 825th, (10th F45); Audrey Harris , 01:47:52, 837th, (24th F40) (PB) Chris Williams , 01:48:15, 859, (147th M35); Lise Hindshaw, 01:51:37, 1032nd, (18th F45)(PB); Nick Fennell, 01:54:31, 1187th, (322nd SenM); Hannah Brookes, 01:58:23, 1452nd, (142nd SenF); Andrew Ferguson , 02:16:56, 2241st , (262nd MV35); Steve Barnes, 02:17:23, 2254th, (29th M60); Lisa Young , 02:52:39, 2819th, (153rd F45)
Forest of Dean Autumn Half 12 DRC athletes completed the course, which is like an awesome XC course. A quick downhill start, (if you are unwise) leads to a sustained climb after which a rapid descent means there is only one way home, and it’s up! The last three miles being gentle uphill gradient, but feels steeper! Great efforts by all just getting around, and at the sharp end some seriously quick runs Matt Hazell-Livall just over 90 minutes with Ben Amigoni and Simon Jones not far adrift. Simon was really pleased with his 16th position, after a summer of little running this was a great result for Simon . As ever in the age categories DRC delivered, Martin Bragg an excellent 2nd M60 in 01:36:54 and Alice Lewis first DRC woman home and 3rd F60. Damian Lai, had the benefit of this wingman, Darren Kitchin, who had funnily enough just received the Best Supporting member! With a little bit of help from his friend Damo ran a PB, pretty awesome of this tough course. Results: Matt Hazall-Livall, 01:30:19,, 38th , (23rd Sen M); Ben Amigoni, 01:32:42, 51st , (31st Sen M); Simon Jones, 01:33:26, 54th , (16th M40); Martin Bragg , 01:36:54, 91st , (2nd M60); Darren Kitchin, 01:46:53, 229th , (39th M50); Damian Lai , 01:46:53, 230th , (69th M40) ; Alice Lewis , 01:53:32, 351st , (3rd F60); Rachel Brown , 01:56:22, 14th (14th F45; Kevin Brockway , 02:06:01, 599th (92nd M50); Paul Lewington , 02:06:40, 604th 21st M60); Claire Troy , 02:17:09, 785th (45th F45); Annette Heylings , 02:29:15, (898th (16th F60).
Brinkworth Bash
Meanwhile Alan Honey was showing all the Old Men how to take a decent selfie down at the Brinkworth Bash 10K off road race. First in the Wiltshire Off Road League Alan may have been getting some early Cross Country Training in for the Glos AAA series! I am currently struggling to find his name on the results sheet but Alan reported “The main event was over a mixture of terrain including fields, farm tracks, roads and a narrow path through a wood. There was a field of around 150 runners and a relaxed friendly atmosphere. I was pleased with my time of around 51 minutes”.
DRC Tri – The calm after the storm!
Mumbles Tri
Tony Ball was over in Wales on Saturday, a total contrast to Weymouth last week (Paul Breen described the swim as a combination of swimming and surfing to me!), the Welsh water was like a millpond. The event covered 750M swim (which was bay the look of the image downhill?), 32K bike and a 5K run. Tony was a Vintage Veteran? And finished in 2:00:16, 125th out of 330, closing in a top quartile overall position which is always good, and was an excellent 7th in age category.
K2 Tri and Exmoor Open Water Swim
Zoe Lammerton and Jo Robinson ventured to the K2 sports North Bristol sprint tri at Tockington Manor on Sunday. Zoe reported “A lovely low key friendly event. Wave times were spread out over morning so we were both in the 11:00 wave. A slightly hectic swim with them setting us off at 5 second intervals, a quick transition for me (no wetsuit) and off out on the bike. A short 300 metres climb up onto the A38 took us on two 6 mile loops with a downhill bit after each loop. The run was twice round the rugby pitch field and an out and back on a road and farm track (one sneaky climb too). Really enjoyed it DRC Tri must do this next year!!” Zoe finished in 1:11:36 and 2nd in age category, Jo Robinson completed in 1:22:35 Zoe said “thanks Sarah Willcox for coming to cheer us on” Anne Roberts ventured further so South to the Exmoor Open Water swim at Wimbleball Reservoir today, completing eth $km suim in 01:24:59, 2 minutes by 100m!